Alright guys, here's a topic I want to clear up for all of you who don't know what MSU is. I don't know who came up with this concept, but I must say it's something that needs to be known in order to help gain an advantage in games. Okay so MSU stands for multiple small units and the concept is to take as many units in a codex and squeeze them in whatever point value a player wants to play in. Now the point is to spam out as many units that can take on infantry and vehicles in each force org slot. This is easy to apply in 5th edition armies right now because point costs for units are decreased. Let's look at some units in my own army as an example in the standard SM codex. For troops I have...
Tactical Squad [205]pts; Sergeant with chainsword and bolt pistol; 7x boltguns; 1x flamer; 1x multimelta; 1x Rhino
The weapons are free and the rhino is already included with the cost. Now 205 pts is a lot for a squad but take in consideration with what I have in the squad for upgrades. All I have is a rhino to pay for which I need in a MSU list. This isn't the cheapest SM can get for MSU. However, this is another way to go escpecially since SM are elite in number so I will always be outnumbered in terms of infantry. With this unit I can target heavy tanks, with the multimelta, and infantry with a flamer, boltguns, bolt pistol, and storm bolter. I don't need a power weapon or fist because I have Combat Tactics and a rhino to help me out against assaults. Remember about speedbumping with rhinos? Now let's go to my Elite slot for another example.
Dreadnought [105]pts; Dreadnought close combat weapon; storm bolter; multimelta;smoke launcher;searchlight.
Now look at the standard black reach dread! I can deal with infantry with the claw and storm bolter, and tanks with the multimelta. I can fill up the Elite slot with these guys for 315pts. Now that's pretty cheap for SM! Now let's look at the fast attack for my army.
Landspeeder Squadron [140]pts;2x speeders;2x multimeltas;2x heavy flamers
I can deal with tanks with mms and infantry with flamers. See the pattern here? I have two slots filled with this unit but they have been a necessity in my list and has been working for me well so I recommend getting some speeders. Now for heavy support.
Predator [85]pts;autocannon;heavy bolter side sponsons;smoke launchers;searchlight
I can deal with infantry and light vehicles with these. I spam these suckers out for 255pts because that's what MSU is all about, spamming what you need. So for all you non marine players take the MSU concept and build an army around it. It will take some proxying to test the army out but with time and patience eventually you'll find what suits the list the best. It's harder to apply to non 5thed armies so keep that in mind.
Believe it or not, I hate small squad MSU's, makes no sense to me and in some cases, doesnt match fluff. 10 man tact squads in Rhinos, are awesome though, as this is a fluffy choice as are mech armies. 5 Man Razorback spam just screams Power Gamer to me but then again, I'm a fluff player...