Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Necrons from the deep abyss...

Eh guys, been a long time since ive posted anything so this time I  got some necron rumors that have floated around the internet for awhile and I havent gotten the time to scour the web in search of more stuff. Im very interested in armies having new codex updates and models so I just want to share some Necron info I thought was interesting. Okay here goes...Necrons will get a 4+ save and have a WBB roll of a 5+. Resurrection Orbs will also allow the WBB to go to a 4+. WWB rolls are also not cancelled out by AP 2 or 1 weaponry. Power weapons and other CC weapons of the like will not cancel the effect on WBB. Rending will also not affect WBB. Gauss weaponry will not be rending and will lose the effect of wounding on a 6+ regardless of toughness. They can still GLANCE, but thats not very much. Anyways, the Gauss weaponry that Destroyers carry will be Assault 2 or 3. Im still unsure about Ctan being moved to apocalypse, ( Deceiver and the Nightbringer) but apparently there will be 3 Ctan slots in the Elites section but the "Ctan" will be generic with the MC status and Necron power upgrades, like messing with the deployment, providing army wide advantages, or giving disadvantages to the opponent like hindering movement, etc. Its still open to speculation however so not too clear about it. The codex will have a few new units, like different Necron Lords that are named and give army wide bonuses, Crypteks, Tomb Blades ( I think thats the name), a new walker, and 6 new vehicles. The Tomb Blades will have the jetbike status and may be like new and improved Pariahs since they will be out of the codex supposedly. It does seem unlikely with all the psyker stuff out there (*cough *cough Grey Knights)... The new walker will have a "heat ray weapon" that could be like a melta or flamer weapon but I dont know anything else about it yet. There will be two open topped transport vehicles. Once can carry 10 and the other can carry 15. Destoyers can be carried and take 2 model spaces since they will count as jump infantry, Wraiths may be the same but I dont know yet, Jetbikes ( Tomb Blades) will take 3 model spaces. Necron Lords can take Crypteks which can have powers and other upgrades and can be attached to Warrior squads to add some variety in the squads. The Monolith might lose living metal because of its OP to melta but it may keep it. Immortals are 17 pts a model and are T4 not T5. Flayed Ones will be troops and Scarabs as well. Wraiths will be in larger squad numbers  (3-5). That's all I have for now and I will try to look for more stuff to add. Until then feel free to add more or speculate even more for how Necrons will be in 5th...

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