Saturday, March 19, 2011

Scout Strike Force 2000pts

Hey guys I got a new fun list you all might like. Here goes...


Librarian 140pts Terminator armour, Storm Shield, Null Zone, Vortex of Doom

Librarian 140pts Terminator armour, Storm Shield, Null Zone, Vortex of Doom


Scouts 105pts- Combimelta, meltabombs, teleport homer

Scouts 105pts- Combimelta, meltabombs, teleport homer

Scouts 180pts 9x Sniper Rifles, 1x Missile Launcher, 10x Camo Cloaks

Scouts 180pts 9x Sniper Rifles, 1x Missile Launcher, 10x Camo Cloaks

Elites Assault Terminators- 200pts 5x Thunder Hammers, and Storm Shields

Assault Terminators- 200pts 5x Thunder Hammers, and Storm Shields

Assault Terminators- 200pts 5x Thunder Hammers, and Storm Shields

Fasr Attack

Landspeeder Storm 65pts Multimelta

Landspeeder Storm 65pts Multimelta

Landspeeder Storm 65pts Multimelta

Heavy Support

Predator 85pts autocannon, heavy bolter sponsons

Predator 85pts autocannon, heavy bolter sponsons

Predator 85pts autocannon, heavy bolter sponsons

Again, this is just a fun list, I think posting competitive CSM lists would be pointless since they are floating around the internet somewhere already. I highly doubt I could come up with any new CSM army lists that have a good competitive mindset to them. Escpecially since the codex has been out for a long while. Anyways the army is pretty straight forward and I thought its something fun to play and to play against. The Storms and 5 man scout squads can go separately or together as a unit for deep striking/outflanking purposes. The Librarians go with a termie squad together or in two separate squads. The Snipers sit back in ruins, holding objectives. The predators are there for cheap anti infantry support. The Storms and Scouts need those melta weapons to crack vehicles and distract the opponent until the assault teminators come in through the teleport homer. I haven't play tested this list, its more of an idea, so feel free to add what you would like according to your play style. Have fun!

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