Hey guys I've decided to post army lists just for fun, not really for powergaming. I've decided to focus on Thunderfire cannons and building some kind of list around them.
HQ Master of the Forge 120pts conversion beamer
Troops Scout Squad 182pts Sergeant Telion, 7x camo cloaks, sniper rifles, and a scout heavy bolter.
Combat Squad 165 Razorback w/ Lascannon and Twin Linked Plasmagun
Combat Squad 165 Razorback w/ Lascannon and Twin Linked Plasmagun
Combat Squad 165 Razorback w/ Lascannon and Twin Linked Plasmagun
Combat Squad 165 Razorback w/ Lascannon and Twin Linked Plasmagun
Dreadnought 125 2x TL Autocannons
Dreadnought 125 2x TL Autocannons
Dreadnought 125 2x TL Autocannons
Fast Attack
Typhoon Landspeeders 180 2 Speeders
Typhoon Landspeeders 180 2 Speeders
Heavy Support
Thunderfire Cannon 100pts
Thunderfire Cannon 100pts
Thunderfire Cannon 100pts
So the idea of this army is to concentrate all artillery on infantry, ecspecially enemy Devastators and the like. They can slow enemy squads down and strip cover saves away so use them wisely. They are extremely fragile, and I wish Servitors can go with the Techmarine but they can't. The cannons will eventually be destroyed, leaving techmarines to go wreck havoc by speedbumping, fixing vehicles, etc. They can increase cover saves so razorbacks get a 3+ save. The master of the forge joins the scouts and Telion can pick out weapons from a Dev squad, and special weapons out of infantry squads. Razorbacks, Typhoons, and Dreadnougts go after transports, and other anti tank vehicles. They can also double as infantry slaying if up againsts hordes. There really isn't much else to say about the list other than the fact that it is more of a fluffy Omnissah army so having fun is all that really matters. Tell me what you guys think, and proxy models and play this army if you want to have some Omnissah fun.
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