Saturday, April 9, 2011

Grey Knights: Featuring Inquisitorial Warbands

Hey guys I have some new insight on a unit in the Grey Knight codex...Warbands.

I have been reading the codex, and came up with some pretty good min/max squads if y'all wanna list with these guys as troops. Here goes some configurations so far...

BTW. I nicknamed each squad so I know which one is which.
162pts Laughing Rhino- 2x Jokaeros, 2x Warriors with Meltaguns, 6x Warriors, and a Rhino.

117- Mindlocking Rhino- 3x Multimelta Servitors, 2x Meltagun Warriors, 5x Warriors, and a Rhino.

111- Laughing Chimera- 2x Jokaeros, 5x Warriors, 3x Stormbolter Warriors, and a Chimera with a hull mounted heavy flamer.

109- Lonely Chimera- 3x Multimelta Servitors, 2x Bolter Warriors, 2x Stormbolter Warriors, and a Chimera with a hull mounted heavy flamer.

153- Acolyte Chimera- 8x Stormbolter Warriors, 3x Meltagun Warriors, and a Chimera with a hull mounted Heavy Flamer.

These are by no means meant to be taken as 5 different troop choices because it it NOT an army list for TROOPS. They are simply options you can take and spam out however you wan because they are all points efficient in my opinion. If you have any other ideas let me know so I can post those too and give credit to those who are willing to contribute. I have never playtested any of these but they all look good on paper. I'll do some number crunching for y'all who want to spam or mix n match between these options.

IF you take 6 Laughing Rhino squads you get...12x Lascannons,12x Multimeltas, and 12x Heavy Flamers from Jokaeros alone. You get 12x angry meltagun wielding warriors, and 36x Warriors who are nothing but cannon fodder. You also have 6 Rhinos who can cast fortitude every turn so you can keep on moving. All for 972 pts.

IF you take 6 Rhino of Solitude Squads you get...18x Krazy Multimelta Servitors, 12x Krazy Meltagun warriors, and 30x warriors for cannon fodder. All for 702pts.

IF you take 6 Laughing Chimera Squads you get 12x Lascannons, 12x Multimeltas, and 12x Heavy Flamers from Jokers and 6x Wise cracking Chimeras with 18x Heavy Bolter shots and 6 Heavy Flamers. You also have 36x Storm Bolter shots from the hatches a turn. All for 666pts.

IF you take 6 Lonely Chimera Squads you get 18x Multimeltas, 12x Boltgun Warriors, 24x Storm Bolter shots, and 18x Heavy Bolter shots and 6x Heavy Flamers. All for 654pts.

IF you take 6 Acolyte Chimeras you get 96x Storm Bolter shots, 18x Meltaguns, and 18x Heavy Bolter shots, and 6x Heavy Flamers. All for 918pts.

Mix n match what you want if you ask me its all about preference. Enjoy!

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