Saturday, April 9, 2011

Grey Knights Heavy Support: Purgation Squads and Dreadnoughts

Hey guys. I have been working on more combos with unit configurations. Here goes the nicknaming again.

Rifleman on Steroids- Dreadnought with 2x Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition, and a Seachlight-136pts

Purging Rhino- 2x Incinerators, and 2x Psycannons. 180pts, 5x man

Psycannon Devastators- 4x Psycannons, and 10x Knights. 280pts

Astral Rhino- 4x Psycannons, 1x Rhino. 5x man 220pts

Psilencer Rhino- 4x Psilencers, 5x man, Rhino. 180pts

Teleporting Dreadknight- Personal Teleporter. 205pts

Alright so I had an idea with the purgation squads. You could deploy a rhino behind cover and then have the knights hide behind the rhino so it blocks LOS and you can shoot psycannons at targets with the astral aim power. The ten man squad is too expensive for my tastes so thats why I think the Rhino is good so the squad doesnt get shot up so much since its too small. I like the Dreadknights the way they are when they are plain but you could use a teleporter with them since I think it's a good idea for their movement since dreads are slow. But its if you have the points. All the other weapons seem too expensive to me. But its all about preference. The Psilencers on the purgation squads are meh to me but hiding them behind a rhino while the enemy gets a 4+ cover anyways means the more shots the better. If you have more ideas let me know.

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