Wednesday, July 6, 2011

40k Campaign: "Return of the 7th Company Hawk Lords"?

Hey guys. I'm back from the Warp to bring you another interesting campaign idea to build upon.
Let me know what you guys think of this.


 During the engagements of 998.M41, the 7th Company Hawk Lords disappeared. Xeno forces were suspected to have been the cause of their lost contact during a deadly warpstorm but who caused it no one knew. BUT only until years after their disappearance,  a Hawk Lord's Battlebarge, returned from the Warp and were set adrift along the Eye of Terror Containment. The Subjugator's Battlebarge was on a patrol for suspicious activity, only to spot the Hawk Lord's vessel and attempted to make contact. However, no transmission could be made so it was assumed that the battlebarge was in need of repair and it was probably damaged during the warpstorm, or Xenos assaults. The Subjugators decided to send a small task force to investigate the long lost vessel. Captain Maxim of the Subjugators 5th Company sent two tne manTactical Squads, two five man Terminator squads, and one ten man Scout squad and were teleported to different areas of the ship and were to rendevous at the control area of the entire ship. The control area was assumed to be damaged since communications were offline so the Subjugator task force was in charge of repairing the communications and contacting the Subjugators to assure them that the ship was safe and if there were any Hawk Lord survivors. Each squad was given communication devices to give full status reports after every hour as they searched the space hulk for Tyranid infestations, Chaos influence, survivors, etc.

Transmission 1 reported at 1900hrs : (communication sounds) This is Sergeant Hark of Tactical Squad 1 reporting. We have reached the docking bay of the Drop Pods. Over.

Sergeant Thomas of Tac Squad 2. We have made it aboard the Armoury. Over

Mothership. ( communication sounds ) I repeat Mothership, this is Sarge Mathews reporting for Terminator Squad 7. We are currently in the basement area of the vessel. Over.

This is Segeant Rogers. Mothership I am reporting for Terminator Squad 1. We have arrived at the livng quarters area, our designated destination. Over.

Hello, this is Sergeant Capernicus, reporting for Scout Squad 9. Our location is the cafeteria sector of the vessel. Over

Transmission 2: Reported at 2000hrs:

(Communication sounds ) This is Sergeant Hark, we have patrolled the area, and the ship is dark and requires flashlights. Emergency power does not seem operational and the ship overall seems damaged with boltgun holes in several of the walls. None of the Drop Pods were launched. But we found two dead Tactical Marines hiding in one of the Drop Pods. The cause of death is unknown because they have skeletal remains only. We will continue to proceed with caution. Over.

This is Sergeant Capernicus. We have scanned the cafeteria with the use of our emergency lights. We cannot turn on the lights in the cafeteria. Their seem to be no apparent signs of trouble on this part of the ship. However, we will contnue to proceed.

Sergeant Thomas reporting. We have inspected the armoury thoroughly and it seems that most of the weapons are gone from it. There are no apparent signs of a struggle here. Emergency lighting is off and may be damaged. Over.

Sergeant Mathews reporting. The basement sector is flooded with skeletal corpses. No survivors are in sight. Battle damage was found among the walls. It is infested with plasma fire, boltgun holes, heavy bolter shells, and several scorched areas from flame weaponry. It appears that their are no corpses to be found of any invaders in this sector. Whoever trespassed here were extremely resilient to our anti infantry weaponry, or enemy casualties were removed to avoid capture. Strangely, there has been no contact with enemy intereference. Over

This is Sergeant Rogers. We have gone through several living quarter rooms and found signs of struggle. Several beds have been flipped over, along with desks and chairs and are covered with holes. It seems the furniture was used for cover because the floors are littered with boltgun and bolt pistol shells. Several corpses were also found, and it was a mix of Hawk Lord Terminator, Scout, and Tactical squad remains. Enemy engagements have not been made since the enemy has yer to be determined.

Transmission 3 reported at 2100hrs:

(Communication Sounds with a mix of bolter fire) This is Sergeant Mathews reporting. ( Stom Bolter shells go off nearby )...We have engaged the enemy and they are firing from a distance and we cannot identify them. ( Loud roaring sound in the background followed by a shout of anguish from a Terminator ). The Communication device was destroyed soon after.

This is Sergeant Roger. We have just heard of a fire fight happening nearby and we are heading to its location. Perhaps we can identify the enemy afterall. We will contact the other squads about the activity. Over.

This is Sergeant Thomas. We have been informed by Sergeant Roger about enemy activity occuring in the basement area. He says to keep going to the Control Sector since we are closer to its location and we will continue to rendevous there. Over.

This is Sergeant Hark. My squad combat squaded to help provide fire support for Sergeant Roger, Sergeant Mathews, and the rest of their squads.

Mothership. This is Sergeant Capernicus. We have been informed about the current situation in the Basement area by Sergeant Roger. We have decided to continue ti head for the Control Sector with Sergeant Hark and Thomas to repair the Control systems and activate an emergency lockdown in the Basement area and any other unexplored sectors and corridors. Over.

Transmission 4 reported at 2200hrs:

( Communication sounds) Mothership, this is Sergeant Hark. I am here with Sergeant Thomas and we finally reached the Control Sector. We lost contact with my other 5 man squad, both Sergeant Mathews and Roger, and we are awaiting the arrival of Sergeant Capernicus and his Scouts. Over.

Mothership. I repeat Mothership. This is Capernicus and we have been informed from Hark that the Control area is heavily damaged and will take awhile to get even the emergency power back online. We are getting closer to the Control area to assist them in their efforts. I pray that the Terminator Squads are still alive. Over.

Transmission 5 reported at 2300hrs:

( Communication Sounds ). Mothership,,, I repeat Mothership. Do you copy? This is Capernicus and I am the last survivor of the entire task force. Do not send reinforcements. I repeat... DO NOT SEND REINFORCEMENTS. JUST BLOW UP THE DAMN HAWK LORD BATTLEBARGE!!! THE HAWK LORDS DIED FIGHTING THIS THREAT TO THE LAST MAN!!! And if more Subjugators come to avenge our deaths, it will only be in vain...( Scrambling sounds are heard ). Oh dear Emperor...they're here...( A loud scream from Sergeant Capernicus is heard and the communications device is destroyed ).

End of transmissions.

The Subjugators failed to contact any of the members of the task force and Capernicus's transmission was the last to be heard.  Captain Maxim was hesitant to send a larger task force, or even to take Capernicus's advice to blow up the space hulk. Instead he sent a transmission to all of the other Space Marine Chapters to warn them of the unknown threat that lies in the dark and decrepit corridors and sectors of the Hawk Lord's Battlebarge......

End of the Introduction

Okay so the threat can be any race really and any Space Marine Chapter can bravely send reinforcements to stop the threat instead of destroying the entire space hulk. The threat is unknown so it is imperative that the Imperium should know what brought the end to the 7th Company Hawk Lords right? The only catch is that vehicles, and bikes will probably not be on the vessel since its a tighter space. Dreadnoughts and other walkers would be an exception however. Don't forget about the possibility of large monstrous creatures but they gotta fit the board some how.


Terrain is important for each battle as each player fights there way through each sector of the ship but should limit the size of vehicles somehow. I could see Landspeeders being used. Bikes is a big maybe though but each battle should be different. It is a big ship so there can be a variety of tables to be made. Some could look like the terrain in the picture, Just halls, and a few small rooms for troops to hide in. Some can be huge hangar bays like this one.

THIS is a good example of what a table can look like. Or maybe somethin like this.

This is perfect for the Drop Pod Hangar Bay in the Introduction.


Hirst Arts Molds are amazing for this. You can create all that from several different molds here

So get creative guys. Its a big ship and its only matched by your imagination. Maybe it can look like a ship with Tyranid spores and spires sticking out of the ground. You can get very creative so that each battle can have a unique look.

Gameplay: Again the number of players vary. The size of the tables vary too. I do reccommend 6x4 or maybe 8x4 for table size but thats for big battles. For Space Marine players, you may be limited to Tactical Squads, Scouts, Landspeeder Storms, Landspeeders, Dreadnoughts, Legion of the Damned, Terminators, Vanguard Veterans, Assault Marines and even Thunderfire Cannons. Necron players can field whatever other than a Monolith. Tyranids could field anything. Grey Knights are in the same boat with Marines except no chimera and razorspam. Black Templars don't care much because they come in mass infantry anyways right? You guys get the idea I am sure. Night fighting will be interesting to fight in since the ship is dark. Again just like in the Defluo Campaign I made up, special rules are open for use. By the way Deep striking may be more focused since its a close quarter ship. So deep striking units may just land where they are supposed to ( because its an enclosed pace ). Daemons would have fun for this unless they face Grey Knights, then that's another story ;)

Objectives: The main objective for the whole campaign would to either liberate the ship of Xenos scum, or take over the entire ship from Imperium control. But you can create more if you want.

Maps could be used to represent different sectors. Each Sector may have different battles to fully liberate the Sector, but may have smaller table space for more realistic battles. So planning the map may take a little more thought, but it can be done on some graph paper, foamboard, cardboard, etc.

Other Requirements: Again like the Defluo Campaign, requirements will be the HQ and 2 TROOPS. But after each battle, depending on the sector and the battles in each sector, the FOC will expand and so will the points value for each army. For example, say the Hangar Bay Sector, allows space for a Rhino, Razorback, Landspeeder, etc. But the Basement Sector may only allow for infantry to fight, including different elite and veteran units from the different FOC slots. But that's up to you all as the players to decide whether or not the cursed ship can be saved, or continue to lie in despair along with the dead...

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