Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Deployment Strategy Featuring: Pitched Battle!

Okay guys so when I'm not painting, assembling, or building models, 40k is always a constant thought stuck in the dark corners of my enigmatic mind. I have spent several months thinking about Deployment Tactics specifically for my army. I hope that sharing my thoughts, you guys can come up with your own deployment tactics that work for you and your army :) Remember "40k isn't about losing models, its about being at the right place at the right time".

Okay so before I draw out my deployment idea, here's a key or a legend  below.

[R]= Rhino with a Tactical Squad
{P}= Predator
D= Dreadnought
LL= Landspeeder Squadron
(Snipers)= Sniper Scouts with Sergeant Telion and a Master of the Forge

Here's the deployment. I don't have anything else to use for an example so I hope this will do.

--------------------------Deployment Line----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[R] D {P} [R] D{P} [R] D {P} [R] LL  LL
(Snipers)*                                                                                                                                  (Snipers)*

Notes: This is how things will look like at the start of the game and IF I go first. First off I turboboost my two Landspeeder Squadrons as close to my opponent as possible. The Rhinos move 12 in and pop smoke. Dreads tag along using the Rhinos as mobile cover. The Snipers can go to either corner of the table. The point is to get the Master of the Forge 72 in blast with S10 and AP1. This does one of two things 1. It can force an opponent out of the corner and move forward more (which is where I win ) OR 2. It keeps them there and the opponent will have to shoot them with a 2+ cover save to deal with, or assault them which will take a portion of their army that isn't dealing with my forces. So with this scenario that I have created, I win either way. It does not matter if they die because they'll go down with losses on the opponent's side. The Predators do not move  at all and stay there. They use their ark of fire to pivot and shoot through the fire lanes that are created by the Rhinos. By moving the Rhinos forward (They are pretty close starting at 12 inches ) I have Multimelta range to blast transports to get juicy troops on foot for my Predators, Snipers, Dreads, and smoking Boltgun fire to kill. The Landspeeders will target enemy Landraiders, deadly tanks ( Leman Russes etc ). The Multimelta units (Dreads and Rhinos ) can do the same too but the Speeders help soak up shots that aren't takin on my Multimelta units, Preds, and the rest. Anyways, turn 2 I'm keeping my troops in their Multimelta bunkers while the Dreads are their to cockblock any assaulters that want to rape my Marines ( Hey its 40k anything can happen right? ). My main targets will be anti tank units (usually Troop units anyways ) and I focus my target priority on that. Alternatively I can combat squad my Tacticals and use them to bubble wrap  my Preds from suicide meltas, or hide them behind the Tactical's Rhinos and serve as tarpit units with the Dreads, bubblewrap, etc. For objectives, I'm looking to place at least ONE in midfield because if you haven't noticed, I have a certified Midfield Marine Army. The basis for this Deployment plan is to use my mobility to gain range on all my Multimelta units and Preds. I use my Scouts to affect the opponent's position and use my Speeders to mess with the opponent's mind so that they have to react to what I'm doing instead of the opposite way around. If they shoot my speeders, I don't care, that's just difficult terrain for assault infantry to trudge through. If they don't shoot at them, that's find, now they can say goodbye to a tank, or a unit of infantry. They will not go away until they are dead speeders. So that's my take on Pitched Battle. I have more battle plans specific to other ways, but again I have to continue to formulate plans that are viable at this part of the game and with all the new armies coming....

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