Army lists:
I will try to show how much Nigel had but point costs won't be shown because obviously I don't play Eldar, well at least for now.
Eldrad w/ Fortune, Doom, Mind War and a squad of 10 Warlocks.
-Wave Serpent w/ Twin Linked Scatter Lasers, and Shuriken Catapult
Fire Dragons w/ Wave Serpent w/ Twin Linked Bright Lance
Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent w/ Twin Linked Scatter Lasers
Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent w/ Twin Linked Scatter Lasers
Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent w/ Twin Linked Bright Lance
Dire Avengers w. Wave Serpent w/ Twin Linked Bright Lance
3x Jetbikes
3x Jetbikes
Heavy Support
Night Spinner
Again my list is the same as last time with Craig.
Here we go guys. Here's what we got.
Here my opponent has his retinue of warlocks and Eldrad with the Wave Serpent.
The black jet bikes are there as a troop choice too. I don't know why the other Serpent is there too. I think it was there at the beginning of the game but oh well. If it was it wasn't supposed to be there.
Here's my deployment
Here's a combat squaded Scout Squad. They had no where else to go. The table had a little bit of terrain so on my side, this was the only set of ruins. My objective was deployed next to it too. There was a hill on the other side of my deployment. I couldve deployed there since my MOF would get clear shots on the other objective. I went second by the way so I deployed second. I shouldn't have deployed the Scouts here, but I never knew how much Warlocks can do in terms of shooting and assaulting...
Here's where the Snipers should've been....
I could've infiltrated into cover right into the hill, but I second guessed my self...(doh!)
Turn 1 and we see this...
Warlocks zoom out, disembark, and shoot with Destructor, an Eldar psyker attack that is pretty much a heavy flamer but you can assault afterwards. Both Squads took the heat literally, as their cover saves are stripped. I shouldn't have used the MOF's Bolster Defences...and took the hill for cover instead. Oh well :(
The other squad of bikes, is at the tree objective. The Wave Serpent is hanging back for now as everything comes in and my opponent gets into position...
Here are the other Wave Serpents...see all the Dire Avengers? Yeah, bladestorm goodness alright...
Here come the other Serpents as they get into firing position into all my stuff. Man Eldar are fast.
Here comes my I'm lookin to get my ass kicked! I thought my Dreads could handle the Warlocks, unknowing about their superiority over vehicles...escpecially walkers...I set up with my Tac Rhinos ready to move up and overwhelm the objective. I wanted to open up with Multimelta shots...My Predators are supposed to be lined up so I can get into position for firing. I should've just moved that extra 6 inches and popped smoke instead of trying to use searchlights...
I thought my Speeders could Heavy Flame these guys and kill them outright but I was wrong. See Mr.Dread #1, ready to assault and die. But of course, I never knew that would happen...Fennias tries to shoot but fails with night fighting.
Here's another view of my deployment..It sucks doesn't it? First turn I should've disembarked all my Tac Squads, and rapid fire, storm bolter, and flame that squad of Warlocks, but apparently, I never knew how evil those little green bastards would be! Argh! All my fire power should've been at that squad! Night fighting would't have saved those bastards!
His Serpents redeploy so they can move into a pincer movement with their mobility, successfully countering my attempt to sweep his objective.
My Predators are deployed so I can get side shots on him, but I should've moved them 6 inches up and popped smoke instead. That way I can get clear shots on a lot of his troops.
See how these Warlocks tore up my Scout squads? I decide to counter the threat with only a fraction of my force.
I use my Dreadnought to assault the jetbikes, but those guys are the least of my problems. I think I should've shot at the Wave Serpent right in front of the it. If I shot at the Warlocks, they get their cover, or invuln. save with Fortune from Eldrad. I just couldn't torrent them.
I don't have the turret for the Predator above. It was being stripped at the time. Again, they should've moved up. I didn't plan for Dawn of War and now I learn once again.
Eldrad detaches from his retinue and the Warlocks move to the right and proceed to roll up my flank...
Now it's turn two, and night fight is gone.
Eldrad attempts to cast Mind War on my Fennias, the MOF and proceeds to assault and kill the squad. The Warlocks will multi assault my speeders, Dreadnought, and Rhino.
The Speeders that tried to kill the Warlocks and failed. Now they get shot up by the Wave Serpent that held the Warlock squad and Eldrad. One Speeder dies, and the other loses a weapon.
His Serpents roll up to get in position to disembark Dire Avengers and bladestorm but that isn't done this turn.
Here my forces struggle to reliably counter attack because those Warlocks are causing mischieve.
The Dread in combat with the jetbikes, kills one after missing previously, and Eldrad wipes out the MOF and the lone sniper. The multi assault proceeds, immobilizing one Rhino, destroying a Dread, and nothing happens to the other speeder squad since they turboboosted. So far the Warlocks killed two Dreadnoughts.
One Rhino was exploded, killing 3 marines. I think the Warlocks did it and consolidated towards the immobilized Rhino, (the one with the die on it), or a Eldrad destroyed it with some psychic power.
Here, I attempt to kill the Warlocks and Eldrad, and I did.
My Dread attempts to destroy the Wave Serpent and assaults, but does nothing. The jetbikes that were assaulted, failed an LD test and ran back.
Turn 3 rolls up and things look firepower is crippled,my Rhinos do nothing, my Dreads fail, and the speeders fail too.
Here those blasted Warlocks are still alive. Eldrad is down to one wound.
I moved a Rhino up front and had to disembark a Tactical Squad to target
But my opponent is ready to destroy the said Tactical Squad.
See my Preds? Yeah bad deployment on my part. Now since the Warlocks and Eldrad failed to die, another tactical squad will die.
Now everything disembarks and gets ready to light up marines...the Deathspinner shoots and makes sure my Rhinos and Speeders count as moving through difficult and dangerous terrain. It ain't killy, but it sure is annoying. But it's the least of my problems.
These are the armour saves I have to take on a tactical squad in the middle of the field. Let's see how many marines live to tell the tale.
Yep. 1 lone sergeant. The Rhino died from Fire Dragons, the other marines died from bladestorms.
Now another squad shoots at the sarge. Let's see if he can make a last man stand and live to tell about it.
The shoot and he fails the first save. Oh well. If he survived 13 shots I would've made him a captain.
The jetbikes and blocks the rhino from disembarking and rapid firing. The rhino on the side was blown away by the Nightspinner.
This Pred is wrecked while the other Preds fail to do anything.
It's turn 4 and I got wiped. Preds are useless. Multimeltas eliminated. Speeders are also wiped too near the end of the fourth turn.
See the Predator to the left?
Now it's gone! And it was finally in position to shoot stuff!
I blame it on the Wave Serpents...
I attempt to contest. But it dies.
Here a Dread is armless and I have 2 speeders left.
My Pred tries to shoot but fails.
My Speeders shoot at the Nightspinner with Multimelta goodness and it dies.
We already know whats gonna happen. I lose. But eh, it's okay I learned quite a bit from this battle. And it was my first battle at Pegasus Hobbies. Nigel was a great sport. If you ever play a battle with him at Pegasus he'll probably be a very memorable player. Well, I hope you all enjoyed reading about my mistakes and learn from them.
Wow Clayton, great battle report, I have only faced Nigel once in a kill team tourney where I won the game in the first turn. I have yet to face him in a regular game of 40K but his eldar would chew up my Thousand Sons army as I run over 4 sorcerers in the army and the eldar are great at stopping psyhic powers from going off. Eldar are ridiculously fast and I have been on the receiving end of many an Eldar player. Pegasus is a great place to play, I should be at the local GW this Saturday (7/30)if you are up for a game. Our group is planning a Campaign this summer, let me know if you are interested!!