Sunday, November 20, 2011

New Mix and Matched Space Marine List @ 2000p points

Hey guys I'm back with a new list in the making. This one is very different from all the other lists and it is more of a fun list made by Stelek. So here goes...


Captain- Relic Blade; Bike


Dreadnought- Twin linked autocannons

Dreadnought- Twin linked autocannons

Sternguard- 10x man squad; 8x Combi Meltas; Rhino


Tactical Squad- Mulimelta; Meltagun; Rhino

Tactical Squad- Multimelta; Meltagun; Rhino

Bike Squad- 2x flamers; Attack Bike Multimelta

Bike Squad- 2x flamers; Attack Bike Multimelta

Fast Attack

Attack Bikes; 2x man; Heavy Bolters

Attack Bikes; 2x man; Heavy Bolters

Attack Bikes; 2x man, Heavy Bolters

Heavy Support

Devastator Squad- 4x Missile Launchers; Rhino

Devastator Squad; 4x Missile Launchers; Rhino

Devastator Squad; 4x Missile Launchers; Rhino

So Sternguard take a Dev Rhino

Tac Squads combat squad and multimelta half goes in rhino

attack bikes stay in reserve, unless im going first.

Captain goes to a bike squad

bikers zoom behind rhinos  but can zoom around more. Anything av 12 and below gets a melta shot at 24 inches. AV 13 and 14 are not shot at with the melta. The bikers can attack isolated squads, or mop up a weak squad.

Dreads shoot at infantry and silence Razorbacks and the like.

Let me know your thoughts, but remember this is more of a fun list not a competitive one.

1 comment:

  1. Fun list??!! Dude this is just a competitive list hiding in sheeps clothing.... all i see is an MSU list typical of Steleck.. I like the bikes though..dreds remind me of grey knight shenanigans..... lol... Overall though not bad....
