Friday, December 23, 2011

Painting Funk?

Hey guys I got quite the problem. I have been trying to paint my Ultramarines but theres so much to paint and only so much time. Im on a two week break thankfully but what the main struggle is is just making painting fun again. Ive already accepted the fact that I may never win a Golden Demon in my lifetime. I like the idea of actually having a nicely painted army to play with on the table, complete with nice terrain provided by our hardworking GW manager Yvonne. But I just want a painted army that I accept and although it may never be perfect like how the marines on the box look like, I still have come up with something relatively nice. I do not have any pictures up but I do have the color scheme in my head.

The basecoat is Regal Blue

The wash over the armor is Badab Black

The shoulder pads are Shining gold ( the trim )

The highlight on the armor is Ultramarines Blue

The eyes are Red Gore with Blazing Orange and Blood Red for highlights

The trim on the base is Space Wolves Grey, the top part has a Chaos Black basecoat, Adeptus Grey dry brush, Fortress Grey dry brush, and a Skull White dry brush.

The boltgun is Chaos Black and Boltgun Metal

Purity Seals have Scab Red on the dot and Bleached Bone for the parchment.

As you can see my paint pallette seems overworked but hey I like the way the color scheme is going and Im going for consistency with my army. No more funky colored Predators, Rhinos, and what not. I have finally found something that works for my taste. But what I do do for school days is paint at LEAST ten minutes a day on one particular unit. However I do want to paint them faster. I have basecoated much of my army already but Im still working on the more minor details. I don't know if I can finish after my two week break is over but I'll do what I can. Then I got my Tau army to paint and that will be a challenge. I also got one box of Fire Warriors too so the more Troops choices the better. Although I could use some more anti tank in for my Tau collection. Maybe I'll get some of those Hammerhead Cannons on my two Devilfish. But I'll have to proxy that and playtest before I spend.
But anyways my question to you guys is how exactly do you finish painting your armies?
Do you do a specific schedule? Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Dont give up, I love to play with painted armies if I can; what you want to do is paint in small sequences instead of longer 1 to 3 hours time spans unless you are doing it with friends which can be fun. Just like you posted, paint in 10-15 minute increments but do it often like 2-3 times every other day (30 minutes to 45 minutes a day, 3 times a week), basically to give you a break. You also want to have other mini's on hand to break the monotony of painting the same type of model every day. Paint space marines for 2 days, switch to a dread or rhino, or a tau model after the 2 days. Set realistic goals for yourself like "I want to have a 5 man squad painted and done in a week (7 days)" Another thing I have tried is to "hide" my unpainted models and just have the models I will be painting out; seeing 1500 pts of unpainted army on your desk can be a downer so by hiding them you are tricking yourself. Above all Clayton, keep practicing, my models looked terrible when I started, but by practicing and learning some basic techniques, I have gotten a lot better. Let me know if you need any help the next time you are at the store, and I will be happy to help you out.
